Cyberpunk 2077: 9 Major Fixes It Needs ASAP

6. Let Us Change Our Appearance After The Intro

Cyberpunk 2077
CD Projekt RED

Less important than fixing hard locks is the notion of character customisation. Which is to say:

You can customise your character's look once, at the very beginning of the game, and that's it.

Sure you can swap out parts of your skeleton, implant sub-dermal armour under your skin or get blades put in your forearms, but changing your hair, eye colour or anything else? Nope.

As a potentially random - but apt - comparison, Saints Row 3 and 4 went hog wild with character customisation, letting you swap everything from overall body size to even your gender whenever you want. For Cyberpunk to steer head-first into this subject matter i.e. the idea of treating your body as meat that can be changed in a million different ways, then not make good on it, is another weird omission.

Sadly, you also can't preview clothes at any of the merchants, meaning you have to purchase something on blind faith, hop out of a storefront to try it, then realise it's no good and swap it for something else.

The irony is not lost that this is the exact way many Cyberpunk players are experiencing the game.

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