Cyberpunk 2077: 9 Major Fixes It Needs ASAP

4. ... And Scripting Bugs

Separating these out because scripting issues are a whole other kettle of sporadically-disappearing fish.

While animation bugs can sometimes be hilarious - providing they're not getting in the way of a major story scene - scripting bugs are a completely different level of purgatorial hell.

A staple of many open-world RPGs that have literal millions of moving parts, all it takes is one link in that chain of computations to backfire, and you're stuck in an elevator with the door never opening, your companion never triggers the next scene, or something else roadblocks your progress out of nowhere.

Scripting bugs are the one thing all players can agree need work, and with Cyberpunk's main story being full of high-octane gunfights, car chases and set-pieces, any wrong move and someone's memory of the game's best moments is ruined forever.

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