Cyberpunk 2077: 9 Major Fixes It Needs ASAP

3. No Food Or Drink Interactions

Cyberpunk 2077
CD Projekt Red

I literally had to bust out the Thesaurus to avoid using strange, bizarre and weird again, because it is downright peculiar that - in a city otherwise living up to being the most well realised metropolis in gaming history - you can barely interact with anything in it.

I've covered the police feeling like magnetised mannequins, but food vendors get treated the same way as clothing. You walk into a bar or up to a food vendor on the street, and it's one of two interactions:

1. You can order a drink, but you're taken to a soulless transaction menu where said drink goes into your inventory rather than anything played out/visible, or

2. The person can't actually be interacted with, letting you push "Talk" to trigger an insult or inane piece of dialogue in return.

Either way, there are zero eating or drinking animations in the game, outside story-based encounters. You can order a burrito from a vending machine or eat food and drink found on surfaces with the push of a button, but both times it just disappears and you get a sound effect instead.

While the latter doesn't need an animation, being able to sit or eat in the MANY outlets around Night City felt like it would be a given before release.

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