Cyberpunk 2077 - EVERY New Gameplay Detail You Need To Know

1. "Braindancing"

Cyberpunk 2077
CD Projekt RED

Last of all, the newest feature we were shown: Braindancing.

A term given to buying a complete neural trip i.e. experiencing a skydive, or something far darker like the feeling of dying or being in a gunfight, the world of Cyberpunk sees human voyeurism run wild.

Gameplay-wise though, you'll use Braindancing to track leads, get inside the mind of NPCs, re-enact crime scenes or just fly around in an outer body experience, taking in more of the world.

Memories can be experienced in first-person, as though you were the individual at hand, or from a distance. The latter lets you comb the environment for additional details and clues - something CDPR note will add to various stories as you play.


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