Dark Souls: 8 Incredible Moments That Made Us Hardcore Fans

6. Ornstein And Smough

The Souls series is famously synonymous with its beautifully designed and magnificently deadly and challenging bosses. While this article isn€™t focused on these titanic landmarks of death, it would be an unforgivable sin to leave them completely out. In a game jam-packed with memorable boss bouts it€™s extremely difficult to pick a moment that is universally historic. But we think you€™ll agree with our choice€ As if being pitted against one murderous monstrosity wasn€™t bad enough, the concluding area of Anor Londo sees you flung into a battle to the death with Dark Souls€™ most infamous duo; Dragon Slayer Ornstein and Executioner Smough (badass names, we know). Managing to vanquish one will result in a cut scene where the other absorbs the power of his fallen comrade €“ thus making the remaining boss even more deadly. In a moment that summed up Dark Souls€™ ever-improving ability to simultaneously surprise you while putting you at a severe disadvantage, the guardians of Anor Londo will forever be regarded as one of the most dynamic and memorable bosses in the Souls series.
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Alex is a screenwriter, playwright, and all around good guy. He loves to keep things concise, most of the time. Follow Alex on Twitter @alexdsut