Dark Souls: 8 Incredible Moments That Made Us Hardcore Fans

7. Havel The Rock

The Souls series has always been, and hopefully will always be, associated with immensely challenging enemies. Few games can match the sheer amount of elation and sense of achievement of slaying a mighty foe whom at first appeared nigh on impossible to topple. Havel the Rock encapsulates this idea of €œthe impossible becoming possible€ perfectly, and he remains a legendary landmark in Dark Souls nostalgia for his role in breaking (or making) newbie adventurers. Having access to the Master Key will allow new players early access to the tower where Havel lurks. Wearing extremely thick stone armor and wielding a gigantic dragon€™s tooth, the surprisingly nimble Havel will charge down any trespassers ballsy enough to invade his privacy. One hit of his behemoth weapon (even while blocking) will cut through your defences and crush you with a devastating one hit KO. This introduction to an almost impossibly difficult enemy so early on was a wake up call to anyone naïve enough to think they could nonchalantly breeze through the world of Lordran. This was one enemy best left to later on in the game€ €And he wasn€™t even a boss! Finally managing to defeat The Rock was an outstanding moment of triumph for many gamers, allowing them a small moment of reprieve as they became more confident in their ability to deal with anything that came their way. And indeed, much more was coming their way.
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Dark Souls
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Alex is a screenwriter, playwright, and all around good guy. He loves to keep things concise, most of the time. Follow Alex on Twitter @alexdsut