Dark Souls 2: 10 Gaming Tropes You Quickly Need To Unlearn In Preparation

2. Story Time

In any game, we expect gameplay to be accompanied by a thrilling and engrossing story. This story is normally handed to us on a plate, where we can gobble it up without much effort at all. So one thing you might think to yourself whilst playing Dark Souls II is - what the hell is going on here? On the face of it, it may seem like there is no story at all other than a very basic premise (which, in the case of Dark Souls II, is that you are a bearer of a curse in a land called Drangleic). But believe me, there will be much more to it. It'll just be hidden a bit, and you'll have to make a conscious effort in paying attention to everything. When you begin to piece things together, it's wonderfully satisfying, and you will feel far more attached to the story than to one that shoves page after after page of boring information down your throat. The minimalistic approach to story-telling also encourages a great deal of theory-crafting and speculation. This, I believe, has been the strongest contributor to developing such a passionate fan-base for Dark Souls.


When he's not out in Newcastle wasting his money on dubious vodka, Jack enjoys taking procrastination to new levels via the wonders of video gaming, TV, books, and shiny things on the Internet. In other words, he's a student.