Dark Souls Remastered: 10 Hardest Bosses - Ranked

7. Stray Demon

Ornstein and Smough Dark Souls

Many players of Dark Souls might not have even known about this boss, as the only way to fight him is to return to the Undead Asylum where you started the game. If you go back to the room where you fought the very first boss, the floor collapses and you drop into a dungeon arena with the Stray Demon ready to strike. You also take some fall damage, so you start the fight at a disadvantage.

The Stray Demon takes the same form as the Asylum Demon but deals way more damage, with some explosive shockwave attacks that can wipe you out in a single hit if you don't have top-tier armour or a very high level character. He's also equipped with a nasty weapon that can break through your defences very quickly.

A common strategy for beating the Stray Demon is to equip armour and rings with high magic defence to cut down the damage he does and try getting behind him as often as possible. If you stay up close, he'll tend to use his weaker attacks, making him slightly easier to deal with.

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