Dark Souls Remastered: 10 Hardest Bosses - Ranked

6. Knight Artorias

Ornstein and Smough Dark Souls

Another of the DLC bosses, Knight Artorias is fast, deadly, and highly unpredictable. While many other bosses in Dark Souls have easy-to-learn attack patterns, Knight Artorias strikes so quickly that it can be really difficult to determine which attack he's going to use and respond accordingly. Even if you know all his moves, you'll need a lot of luck to survive this fight.

To make matters worse, Knight Artorias is resistant to almost everything. He's totally immune to poison, toxic, and bleed effects and very strong against physical damage, along with fire and magic attacks too. In short, he's one of the most resilient bosses in the entire game.

Trying to use spells against Knight Artorias rarely works out as he's so fast and can close the distance between you and him very quickly. If you want to beat him, the best method is to take him on in a one-on-one melee fight, timing your strikes and dodges as carefully as possible and running away whenever you need to heal.

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