Days Gone: 10 Reasons It's One Of The PS4's Best Exclusives

9. The Entire Cast Is Something Special

Days Gone

While Deek is the standout character in Days Gone, and certainly the one with the strongest writing, the other characters that make up the cast are still memorable in their own right, and there's genuine chemistry between them that elevates the story as a whole.

The relationship between Deacon and Boozer in particular is compelling, with the two brothers' surprisingly tender bond shining through just enough to, again, bring the humanity of this post-apocalyptic hellscape to the forefront of the experience. All of the relationships provide great contrasts and drama, whether it's Addy and Rikki, Iron Mike and Skizzo, or the militia members which come into play later on in the story.

It's a ragtag group of heroes and villains that remain interesting for the duration of Days Gone's runtime, all brilliantly brought to life by their respective performers.

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Days Gone
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