Days Gone: 13 Essential Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

10. The Map Functions Better When You're On Your Bike (For Some Reason)

Days Gone

Now, I actually have no idea why this tip works the way it does, but the regular mini-map in Days Gone is terrible. It's fine when you're simply using it to follow a waypoint to an objective, but it makes discovering the random events surprisingly difficult.

They're signified by a blue question mark (and when you get close enough, a blue circle), but they have a habit of disappearing, especially if you get off your bike.

If you notice one nearby and jump off your vehicle to investigate, there's a good chance it'll vanish as soon as your feet hit the ground, not reappearing even if you run in its general direction.

Consequently, staying on your bike while exploring is a must, as the mini-map gives you a far more thorough lay of the land.

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Days Gone
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3