Days Gone Review: 8 Ups & 5 Downs
3. The Story Has Some Serious High Points
Though it gets off to a slow start, Days Gone's story kicks into gear once you make it to the Lost Lake settlement and are introduced to the majority of the story's major players. As mentioned, you do genuinely come to care for these people, and want to see them not only survive but thrive, which leads to some pretty intense - and surprisingly emotional - sequences.
There are real surprises here and, while they are occasionally undercut by the wonky pacing, the narrative delivers memorable moments fairly frequently. Deacon's complex entanglements and his tendency to "write cheques with other men's blood" leads to incredible high points in the story, as the different conflicts all come to a head.
Some of it is a touch too predictable for its own good, and even the flashes of brilliance rely on a backdrop of cliches that feel a little too familiar, but Days Gone's story is compelling, and emotionally affecting when it wants to be.