Death Stranding: 17 Tips, Tricks & Secrets The Game Doesn't Tell You

2. Double Jump Over Water

Death Stranding

It's a bit strange considering how heavy and weighty the game's movement systems are, but there is a double jump button in Death Stranding. If you double tap X while sprinting, you can clear more ground, and it's surprisingly reliable no matter the terrain you're on.

It's less effective when you're weighed down, but getting a running jump can be so useful early in the game where even the smallest bodies of water pose a threat. You can mitigate this issue by simply leaping over them though, making you feel like a superhero in the process.

Even with cargo, it's still a solid way to clear most of the danger, and get yourself to the other side quicker.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3