Death Stranding: 17 Tips, Tricks & Secrets The Game Doesn't Tell You

10. BB Bond Increases In The Private Room

Death Stranding

Looking after your BB is a huge part of Death Stranding's gameplay. Sam is literally linked to this tube child, and its wellbeing is essential in players staying on top of the BT threat. However, there is a bond rating between the two characters you may have initially missed.

Certain actions net you likes from BB, whether it's jumping while out in the world or chilling out in a hot spring, but the best way to raise this bond is in the private room.

Messing around here, checking on BB, pulling silly faces in the mirror and more will net you likes from your tiny companion, and is something you should be doing every time you rest there.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3