Death Stranding: 17 Tips, Tricks & Secrets The Game Doesn't Tell You

9. Trucks Can Cross Red Zone Water

Death Stranding

Getting swept away by deep water is perhaps the most annoying thing that can happen in Death Stranding (yes, even more than falling off a cliff when you could have SWORN you grabbed the climbing rope).

If you wade too far in, your cargo will be swept away behind you, and players have to frantically try to pick everything up before it washes past them.

Fortunately, it doesn't pose the same problem if you're in a truck. While bikes will be ruined if you go too deep, these larger vehicles can drive through deep water.

It'll be a strain on the battery, but seeing those red dots pop up on your scanner doesn't mean you're completely out of luck.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3