Death Stranding: 9 Steps To Understanding Hideo Kojima's First Trailer

2. All That Oil & Fish

death stranding
Kojima Productions

It's no secret that one of the main environmental concerns with sustained life on the planet comes from the constant draining of fossil fuels. Oil is one such substance, and as Reedus' hands are covered in the stuff, he seems to self-reflect after his child disappears, acknowledging that this need to continue his own existence replaces that of his 'son'.

You may also notice, at the beginning of the trailer, each small handprint that leaves a mark in the sand fills up with oil, literally drawing the connection between humanity's mark on the world being tied to the production of oil from underground.

As for the fish, I've covered the 'stranding' part for the whales, but this looks to be pointing out that mankind's desire to consume oil and natural resources has led to the ocean no longer being a viable place for its own creatures to survive.

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