Death Stranding: Every Major Character Ranked & Explained

3. Mama / Lockne

Death stranding

Now for the purpose of time and to save on confusing I’m going to combine both the twin sister with DOOMS, Mama and Lockne in the same entry for reasons that will soon because, if you have finished Death Stranding you will already become evident that both sisters become one by the end. Mama’s body died, but her conscious lived on thanks to Lockne.

Both Mama and Lockne had difficulties when it came to conceiving a child as Mama’s ovaries were unable to fertilize and Lockne's uterus was incapable of carrying a child, this put pressure on the two, but for a tie they both accepted the hand they were dealt. Mama would go to great lengths to keep her sister from killing herself and managed to carry Lockne’s child for her - via an almost convoluted process of sperm, egg and uterus combinations.

This did work, however, the child would sadly never be born, well not on the side of the living at least. Just when everything was seemingly going to plan, the hospital Mama was at came under attack by terrorists, this left her crushed for days and ultimately caused the child to be born on the other side, as a BT.

This would almost sever the sisters bond until, Sam brought them back together.


Resident Evil Aficionado. Video Games & Fried Chicken are my passions. Occasionally some Wrestling. I used to work in Film & TV, but now I Write, Edit & Present for this website and its Youtube Channels.