Deathloop PS5 Review: 8 Ups & 3 Downs

2. Occasionally Cheap Stealth & Technical Hiccups

Deathloop Arkane
Arkane Studios

While not a consistent problem, the stealth system occasionally felt a bit cheap, especially in the late game. At times, enemies would somehow see me through brick walls while I was sneaking. It's surely not intended, and didn't happen all the time, but it sucked when it ruined a whole run.

Likewise, it wasn't always clear when enemies 're-set' after spotting you, and which set-pieces would be available to you when they did. This, combined with some clunky peeking mechanics, could make stealth segments more finicky than they should be.

While the game did mostly run fine technically too, there were notable frame drops when things got too hectic or immediately after loading up a level. Again, nothing too substantial, but frequent enough to be noticeable.

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PS5 Deathloop
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3