Deathloop PS5 Review: 8 Ups & 3 Downs

7. Colt And Julianna Are Some Of The Best Characters Of The Year

Deathloop PS5

Colt and Julianna themselves are at the heart of all this too. Their rivalry is fleshed out and deepened over the course of the game, but you instantly buy into it.

The writing shines when the two are butting heads, each quipping biting insults at one another in a playful, yet genuinely threatening way. Considering she's mostly just a voice over the radio who chimes in to taunt Colt, Julianna is given a real sense of presence, and these conversations - for as funny as they might seem on the surface - offer tidbits of juicier information both you and Colt piece together to flesh out the plot.

The performances of actors Jason E. Kelly and Ozioma Akagha run the full gamut of emotions, and the pair have such electric chemistry together. Each conversation between them is a joy.

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