Demon's Souls PS5: 14 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

Frustrated from seeing the 'You Died' animation? Read on for some insider tips.

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In what can only be described as a genius move, Sony have struck a direct comparison between the PS5 and its grandfather by releasing the much anticipated remake of Demon's Souls as a console exclusive. Not only does this show us how far PlayStation has come over the last few years; it also ensures that fans get the opportunity to play a game that many missed when released back in 2009.

You see, FromSoftware as a developer only really made a bang with the release of Dark Souls 1 around 2 years later, with Demon's Souls being considered by many to be far too hardcore and Japanese for the rest of the world to handle. But luckily for us, the concept of 'getting good' became addictive and resulted in the release of some of the best games of all time. And it looks like the remake of Demon's Souls is destined to become one of them, with the kinks of the flawed masterpiece having been ironed out while keeping the overall feel of the game alive.

So if you've made the decision to buy Demon's Souls and find yourself facing the frustrating death screen more often than not, read on, as we're about to explore some of the tips and tricks that even Solaire of Astora would find useful when journeying through Boletaria.

14. Pick The Best Class For You

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Bluepoint Games

Since Demon's Souls is essentially an RPG, booting it up for the first time will introduce you to a number of classes, all of which suit a different playing style - and although the statistics, armor, and weaponry that come with each class can be traded in at a later stage, you'll want to ensure that your introduction to Boletaria is as easy-going as possible. You wouldn't want to break your controller just yet, after all.

The Knight class is perfect for any lover of Dark Souls and comes with the classic sword and shield combo that allows for a balance to be struck between offence and defence. The Thief class, on the other hand, will be far more enticing to those who preferred titles like Bloodborne, placing an emphasis on dodging and backstabbing over and above tanking.

But if you're looking for the easiest ride possible, look no further than the Royalty class, which comes with mana regenerating armor that can pretty much be used till the end of the game; as well as 'Soul Arrow', which is an incredibly powerful spell.


A self-proclaimed geek with an interest in video games, movies, series, comic books, and tabletop games. Some would say I spend far too much time overthinking irrelevant things. I agree with them, then do it anyway.