Demon's Souls PS5: 14 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

12. Understand The World Tendency

demons souls
Bluepoint Games

Although dying is very much expected in Demon's Souls, the number of times you rag-doll actually ends up having a complex effect on the extended world. This is known as the world tendency and is never truly explained; but put simply, the more you die while in human form and the more NPCs you kill, the darker the world tendency of the game becomes. Having a pitch black world tendency will affect how much health you have when in soul form, how strong your attacks are, and whether certain NPCs will even appear to you.

In other words, you'll want to keep your world tendency are bright as possible, so don't go around killing random NPCs or purposefully taking long walks off of short piers. It's also important to note that you are never too far gone, as defeating invading black phantoms and bosses has the effect of moving you more into the direction of the light.


A self-proclaimed geek with an interest in video games, movies, series, comic books, and tabletop games. Some would say I spend far too much time overthinking irrelevant things. I agree with them, then do it anyway.