Destiny: 10 Missing Features It Desperately Needs

2. Increased Loot Quantity

A few hours of play in Borderlands 2 will net you enough audacious weapons to gear an army of Vault Hunters. A few hours in Diablo 3? Enough for a demon army. In Destiny? A paltry handful of outdated gear - and that's if you're lucky. There's a reason players quickly resorted to Destiny's 'loot caves': They're the most effective source of gear. Not Strikes, not Raids, not the Crucible and certainly not missions. No, shooting mindlessly into a cave is the best way to progress. It cannot be said too many times: This is a concrete and unarguable design failure. How boring, samey and grindy does an experience have to be to be bested by literally standing still and shooting in a straight line? Destiny, Bungie's $500 million answer to new-gen AAA development, is apparently the answer. And that's a damn shame.
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A freelance games writer, you say? Typically battling his current RPG addiction and ceaseless perfectionism? A fan of horror but too big a sissy to play for more than a couple of hours? Spends far too much time on JRPGs and gets way too angry with card games? Well that doesn't sound anything like me.