Destiny: 11 Reasons It Doesn't Live Up To The Hype

10. Missions Are Incredibly Repetitive

Destiny1 Given that this game comes from Bungie, there's a not-unreasonable expectation that it's going to feature an array of thrilling set-pieces, as were common in the Halo series. Sure, Halo had its bug-hunting, relentless shoot-em-up moments too, but the key was variety, something Destiny just doesn't have any idea about so far. The overwhelming majority of the game's missions are thus: land on a planet, deploy Ghost to map out your route, follow the route while killing enemies on the way, arrive at your destination, make Ghost perform some sort of scan or computing operation while you kill three waves of enemies and a big boss or two, and then you get a "Mission Complete" and are promptly zapped back to the flight screen. Where are the set-pieces? We want to see buildings being exploded, caverns in Mars collapsing, and having to do more than just follow the breadcrumbs and kill things ad nauseum. In fact, so repetitive are the missions that we recommend one easy way to combat the boredom: play lots of PvP to ensure you're massively over-leveled, so when you go back to play the story missions, you'll be able to carelessly blast your way to the end of the level in about 10-15 minutes flat. It may be cheap, but given how horribly generic the missions are, it's a better alternative than mindlessly shooting and shooting and shooting waves of enemies for half an hour at a time. Of all the things we thought Bungie could possibly screw up, this wasn't one of them.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.