Destiny: 11 Reasons It Doesn't Live Up To The Hype

9. That Annoying Crucible Announcer

Destiny2 The Crucible is the PvP component of Destiny, and hands down the most ridiculously enjoyable part of the game from our time playing it so far. However, there's one nagging aspect we can't get our heads around, and that's the woefully irritating announcer, who sounds less like a bada** games-master and more like a guy we'd ask for banking advice. With his clipped British accent, weird vocal inflections and utter lack of enthusiasm, any time he declares "zone lost" or a dry remark along the lines of "you clearly underestimated the enemy this time", we want to shove the nearest sharp object into our ears. What's more, the voice isn't even programmed that well: we've frequently encountered the announcer telling us "come on Guardian, you're not dead yet!"...about 2 seconds after we've just been killed. It sounds silly and clunky, and simply, PvP would be even more enjoyable if this abominable rendition was removed, and hopefully patched in with something much cooler in the future. After hiring the talented likes of Peter Dinklage, Bill Nighy, Lance Reddick and so many, many more for the main campaign, Bungie really thought...this...was acceptable? Madness.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.