Destiny 2: 10 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do

2. Gain Exotics Through Post-Story Quests

Destiny 2

Destiny 2 is not shy when it comes to giving you exotics. Most original Destiny players will remember how long they waited until they eventually were lucky enough to land an exotic in the original, yet this time around you don't need nearly as much luck. In fact, all you need to do are a couple quests available after the campaign.

Once the story is over, each planet will have a quest line that eventually gets you earning an exotic. The exception to this is IO, however, as no one is certain if there's an exotic weapon quest available on that planet or not, at time of writing anyway. The three weapons you can gain are Sturm, Rat King and the returning Mida Multi Tool.

The quests to get these guns are straightforward, although some steps may take a little bit more time than the others. At the core though, these are three really simple exotics to earn.

You should however wait until you are a pretty high light level, say around 265 at least, to do these quests.

Why? Because these exotics are one of the best ways to get gear that drops around a 270 light level, which is around the area that your otherwise easy levelling up beforehand is going to slow drastically. If you save these very easy quests until you've maxed everything else out, you're still guaranteed high level gear, so it's best to hold off, no matter how alluring they may be.

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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.