Destiny 2: 5 Ups & 5 Downs

2. It Really Can Feel Like An Expansion Pack

Destiny 2

There's no getting around it: Destiny 2 feels in every way like an expansion to the first game.

From the majority of identical animations to the fact that menus, icons, layouts and even the character creator are exactly the same as in 2014 (minus a new in-game map... woohoo), this just doesn't feel like a sequel (whatever that's supposed to feel like).

Going into the backstory of Destiny highlights the fact that a few months before launch, a huge chunk of story and content was gutted, only to then be reworked, repackaged and sold as DLC. Part of this decision also meant that Bungie had to cut their losses and plan for a sequel, but the reality is a game that still retains that Taken King/Rise of Iron feel overall, minus its mechanical overhauls.

Yes, we have five new environments - and they are indeed sizeable and stuffed full of missions to complete - but the reality is: This is a sequel because Bungie and Activision knew they could get away with it, not because anything fundamentally necessitates that second digit.

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