Destiny 2: 9 Leaked Details & Speculations You Need To Know

6. New And Bigger Planets Will Be Explored

Destiny 2

It should come as a surprise to no one that Destiny 2 will be bigger than its predecessor. It will not be releasing on the Xbox 360 or PS3 like the first did, which will in turn allow for much, much more to be done with the game. Just look at what Bungie was able to accomplish in Rise of Iron, which was exclusive to the Xbox One and PS4.

On the official Destiny 2 website, a little blurb about the story shines a little light on what we can expect moving forward. At one point it says, "You will venture to mysterious, unexplored worlds of our solar system." If we're to take that sentence literally then it means in Destiny 2 we will be going to planets we weren't on in the first game. Destiny saw us explore Earth, The Moon, Venus and Mars. Mercury is explorable but only in PvP maps and the Lighthouse, which lets face it 90% of people have never been to. The Dreadnaught is located on the rings of Saturn, which is the closest we get to the planet.

There's been multiple reports by "inside sources" claiming that Destiny 2 will go to Saturn, and it will play a major role. It's also rumored that this Saturn map will be bigger than everything in the first Destiny combined - even though that's not saying much. That leaves us with Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto (you're still a planet to us buddy) to explore. Yes, some may be gas giants that technically have no surface, but in a game like Destiny, it's safe to say science is out the window.


Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.