Destiny 2 Reviews: 11 Critical Reactions You Need To Know

8. The Campaign Is Genuinely Exciting & Interesting

Destiny 2
"In the original Destiny, the consensus held that the game didn’t really begin until the post-20 grind — the campaign was just a (thin) excuse to get you to that point. That’s not quite the case in the sequel, since there is plenty to do before you ding 20 (including a lengthy campaign with a worthwhile story.)" - Polygon
"The rollicking campaign has taken cues from the biggest blockbusters to deliver a genuinely exhilarating piece of narrative, truly expanding on characters you’ve spent such a proud amount of time with that you know every hour, minute and second of it." - Gamesradar
"The roughly 15 story missions we were able to play kept me engrossed on their own. Each new mission would unveil an interesting new layer of the story...The story missions also do a great job of presenting a mix of story and action at the same time, making it feel a lot less like shooting hordes of enemies for no reason. For example, it’s great to see the Vanguard at your side during battle instead of having them pipe in some dialogue over coms via your ghost or during a cutscene." - IGN

Destiny's campaign was, well, a colossal bore for the most part. Even ignoring the forgettable story, most of the main missions didn't amount to much more than flicking a switch, killing a giant horde of enemies, and rinsing and repeating this ad nauseum.

Destiny 2 is thankfully much more diverse with its story objectives, which actually feel connected to the plot this time around rather than merely intended to trigger more brainless shootouts.

The mechanics are hardly complex, but at least Bungie hasn't straight-up insulted player intelligence this time around.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.