Destiny 2 Reviews: 11 Critical Reactions You Need To Know

3. The Excellent Voice Acting & Musical Score

Destiny 2 Head
"I would be doing Destiny 2 a disservice if I didn’t mention the superb soundtrack, audio tuning, and voice work featured throughout the campaign. The actors are able to strike chords of sadness that we haven’t really felt from their characters before...The score is also superb and adapts at an appropriate rate, keeping pace with where you’ve advanced during your adventure. Mixing a beautifully orchestrated theme to a cutscene is one thing, but managing to balance that alongside multiple types of gunfire being hurled at you, shrieking Hive, and loot drops is no small feat. It all settled into my experience with a pleasant balance." - IGN
"Toss in the exceptional sweeping soundtrack like an emotional Arcbolt Grenade and your first journey through Destiny 2 will be a heartfelt one." - Gamesradar

Though the original game has a terrific musical score, the voice acting was another matter altogether, from Peter Dinklage's widely-ridiculed performance as Ghost to, well, everyone else being utterly forgettable.

Destiny 2's more emotional, character-driven story asks much more of its actors, and they duly deliver, imbuing gravitas into the narrative which, combined with the stirring musical score and fantastic general sound design, makes the new game an aural triumph.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.