Destiny 2 Reviews: 11 Critical Reactions You Need To Know

2. The Removal Of Sparrows Will Divide Players

Destiny 2 Sparrow
"During the time I had with Destiny 2 there was one frustrating design decision that hampered my enjoyment significantly: it doesn’t give you a Sparrow until after you’ve finished the campaign...That created long stretches of several minutes where I was just running from place to place without much happening. While withholding a Sparrow may force you to experience each location instead of just blowing through it at high speed, there are going to be many who refuse to buy Engrams for real world money from Tess or are slow to complete the campaign, and that’s going to leave them in the dust." - IGN
"Only unlocked far later in the game, the removal of the previous games’ effective fast travel option compels you to take the campaign at a slower pace...It’s a brilliant way to uncover the planets for the very first time, promoting exploration and genuine discovery. I don’t think I’d have spotted the tiny examples of human life in the EDZ if I’d had the Sparrow from the beginning, and Bungie knows it." - Gamesradar

If there's anything in Destiny 2 that's going to cause a lot of controversy, it's the decision to remove Sparrows from the player as an out-of-the-box courtesy.

While the original game gave you a trusty speeder from the start, the sequel requires you to acquire one as a reward for decrypting bright engrams, and numerous reviewers noted that as such, they went their entire 20-hour play-time without using a Sparrow once.

Some deemed the decision a baffling, restrictive step back considering how much time the Sparrow can save, but some actually praised the call, as it encouraged players to actually get to know the planets and forced them to really take their surroundings in.

Whatever side you come down on, it's an undeniably controversial move, and will be much-discussed in the coming days.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.