Detroit: Become Human Review: 6 Ups & 2 Downs

1. Choices Aren't Always Made Clear

Detroit Become Human Choices

For a game all about making decisions, this is a pretty big problem to have.

At many key points in Detroit, the choices the player is given aren't always perfectly clear about their results. Most of the time it can be as simple as a dialogue option going a different way than intended, but sometimes it can actually cause some pretty big consequences.

Part of the fun of Detroit is seeing where the story will go and crafting it all for yourself, but that effect is ruined when it feels like the game isn't really explaining what all of your actions will do.

This is a similar complaint to the one many had with Fallout 4, where the dialogue tree simply didn't give enough information about what was being said, although here the issue is much worse due to the time restraint on choices and focus on the story.

Now, enough griping, it's time to look at what makes Detroit so great.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.