Detroit: Become Human Review: 6 Ups & 2 Downs
1. The Promise Of Choice Is Realised
This is easily the most important part of any choice-based narrative game. Do the choices you make actually have an impact on the story?
Detroit: Become Human does this in a way that no other game like it has in a long while. Every single scene has a mind-boggling amount of choice in it, from little changes in dialogue to whether or not certain characters live to see the end of the story.
The use of a flowchart really encapsulates exactly how much choice you have in the game. In certain big scenes, it stretches and weaves across the screen and even has to be contained within several screens.
It's this amount and depth of choice that really propels Detroit beyond anything else Quantic Dream has ever done. The characters are a big reason too, but the fact that you can really create a story tailored for you is pretty impressive.
This is the best game Quantic Dream have ever released, and it's going to be pretty hard to top.
What did you think of Detroit? Do you agree? Let us know in the comments!