Devil May Cry 5: 10 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

7. Revving Nero's Sword Unlocks Unique Moves

Devil May Cry 5

A carryover from DMC 4, the game points out that revving Nero's sword with L2/LT will imbue that particular slash with fire damage, but did you know there's a whole slew of additional animations you can trigger in this way too?

Essentially it's every special attack, so for example, take the "Forward + Y/Triangle", "Back + Y/Triangle", "Back-Forward + Y/Triangle" moves. Make sure your blade is fully revved up by timing a previous hit with L2/LT in a standard combo, then hit the aforementioned inputs.

Instead of a standard charge, Nero will pull off a pirouetting spin. His launcher turns into a backflip double strike and his back-forward chaser doubles to include a bigger, arching strike.

It's hard to explain, but whenever you've achieved a perfect L2/LT strike, make your next move something special, and it'll result in an altogether more powerful animation.

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