Devil May Cry 5: 10 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

6. Activate Dante's Devil Form DURING Style Moves For Unique Buffs

Devil May Cry 5 Dante Demon

Something I discovered while experimenting with Dante's unbelievably complex array of moves - his devil form enhances the Style you're in with additional damage modifiers.

For example, take Swordmaster and equip the Balrog melee weapon. In the Kick stance, Dante's Swordmaster special is a breakdancing series of spin-kicks you can keep going for quite some time.

Activate your devil form during this though, and you'll spawn three additional spinning discs of red energy, letting you cut through the entire battlefield in one go.

Combining everything together in this way almost guarantees an S rank at the close of a mission, as you'll be hitting so many individual enemies in such a powered-up fashion, the combo counter and style meters will go through the roof.

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