Devil May Cry 5: 8 Leaked Details You Need To Know

5. New Distanced Camera For Combat Set-Pieces

devil may cry 2

Thanks to Yuji Shimomura returning to the project after many years of big-budget action movies and a little series called Bayonetta, DMC is getting something of a stylistic overhaul in regards to camera placement during combat.

Set to be more distanced and utilised to showcase scale in ways we've not seen, it sounds like Capcom are taking a few pages out of God of War's book - albeit the older book of that franchise, being Sony Santa Monica just rebooted Kratos' escapades to focus more on up-close viscera and impact.

Still, DMC has always pulled quite liberally from the overblown action of anime, and zooming the camera out to a suitable level whilst letting you turn foes or bosses to paste can only be a good thing.

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