Devil May Cry 5: 8 Leaked Details You Need To Know
4. "Open Ended" Level Design
Perhaps taking a page out of the various "mid-air"-feeling levels from DmC: Devil May Cry, levels in DMC 5 are said to be more "open ended".
Though the leak is quick to point out this doesn't mean Dark Souls-like "semi open worlds", it does mean you'll have multiple paths from beginning to end, with enemy sets, power-ups and other collectibles strewn off the beaten path. It's said to take a few pages out of Dragon's Dogma's book in this regard.
It's something past DMC games have experimented with in very small amounts - in DMC 2 or 2013's release you could explore townships and streets through forked paths, eventually ending up in the same place - though this marks another change for how the game will feel.