Dishonored: 10 Best Villains Of The Series

8. High Overseer Campbell

Dishonored Brigmore Witches Delilah and Daud

Thaddeus Campbell, the leader of the overzealous sect, the Abbey of the Everyman, is one of the main culprits behind the namesake of the whole Dishonored series. Along with the Royal Spymaster, Hiram Burrows, Campbell frames Corvo Attano for the murder of Empress Jessamine Kaldwin in order to seize control of all of Dunwall.

Despite being the High Overseer, Campbell is said to break each of the Abbey's seven strictures on a daily basis. His secret chamber is filled with lingerie, mattresses and forbidden artefacts, and, as he has demonstrated, he is not above killing his detractors to maintain his position within the order.

The mission, 'High Overseer Campbell', has Corvo sneak into Campbell's base of operations in Holger Square and dispose of him for good. Killing him straight-up is always an option, and you can also poison his drink and watch slowly expire from a distance.

But the best way to deal with him is to brand his face with the Mark of the Heretic, which forces his own Overseers to cast him out of the Abbey. Later on in the game, he can be found as a Weeper, a late-stage plague victim, wandering aimlessly in an abandoned basement of the Flooded District.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.