3. Combat System Power Remains...Cmon Give it a Chance
While the combat feels smooth, fluid, and responsive, there will surely be a wide range of die-hard fans that are disappointed with the lack of a lock-on feature which is a staple of the series. One could argue that this takes away from the Devil May Cry experience, but this mechanic may actually add a little higher difficulty in combat through forcing you to manage your surroundings. Although, Im sure many of you already wish I was lined up on a firing line at the end of Ebony and Ivory. Even with this lack of a lock-on ability, Ninja Theory has included the addition of two separate alternate forms, Angel and Devil. Needless to say, both feature a very distinct style that is attached with its individual nature. Devil Trigger is brutally devastating combat, while the Angelic form provides a graceful display of heavenly wrath.