DOOM: 10 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do

6. Throw Punches In Berserk Mode

doom berserk mode
Id Software

The first time you trigger the ludicrously gory 'Berserk' power-up will be something you remember for decades. Doomguy goes from being an already blood-soaked monster, to a guy that just digs his hands into demons' faces and rips them in half. It's insane.

Anyway, as when you're in this mode his two fists replace the guns you're carrying, tapping the alternate fire button (L2/LT) then results in you throwing a quick haymaker.

Connect with it to send enemies flying into bloody chunks, or to set up larger ones for fatality-style finishers. It's just another tactical layer that elevates your options in the field - even if you are breaking craniums like they were crackers.

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