Doom 4: 10 Reasons It'll Be The Best Shooter Of 2016
3. Fast-Paced Multiplayer of Doom, Quake and Unreal will not be disappointed here. Speed is the name of the game in Doom's multiplayer. If you think camping is a great idea, you're as good as dead. Instead, the key tactic here is to keep zipping around and firing until they all drop dead! One exclusive weapon, which embraces this holy mantra of nineties death-matches, will be charged only if you keep moving around. In other words, campers won't be dealing much damage with that weapon anytime. Thankfully, the ability to climb up ledges to higher ground, double jump, and execute your enemies for health bonuses and maximum satisfaction will prevent the flow of the game being broken by, for instance, running into an easily-climbable wall that can't be climbed due to technical limitations.
Perks won't offer unfair advantages, campers can't rack a hundred kills by hiding all the time, killstreaks will not nuke everyone and end the game early, and there will not be overly-reliable yet generic and unsatisfying assault rifles to wave around. To turn the tides on the opposition, collect the runes that will turn you into the powerful demons from the main game, or bag the power-ups like invisibility and the devastating Quad Damage for carnage galore. Power-ups like these will ensure that the action will never stop, and neither will the kills, while the ability to move around almost anywhere and everywhere will prevent players from wandering into a dead end or constantly repeating attempts at jumping across the terrain.