DOOM Eternal: 10 New Features We Can't Wait To Play

7. Glorious Glory Kills

doom eternal

Glory Kills.

Every Doom fan loves a good Glory Kill. Thankfully they are returning with Doom Eternal, and are more triumphant and gruesome than ever.

A Glory Kill is a very clever piece of game design. Forcing you to stay in the fight, up close and personal, it not only treats you to a fancy animation of the brutal murder of some poor demon, but is the fastest, most reliable way to regain your health.

This risk vs reward system so often falls flat in the gaming world but Doom 2016 nailed it, so I feel we can safely assume, Doom Eternal will be no different.

Also, we now have a hefty blade, mounted to the Doom Slayer's arm. Used as a Glory Kill assist, it creates some of the most elaborate deaths yet.

Slicing, dicing and occasionally splicing your way through a Hell-infested Earth could very well push Doom Eternal into a Game of the Year contender.

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Writer, video host and all round mad man about all things gaming, movies and comics. In constant fear that Sony will take back Spider-Man