DOOM Eternal: 12 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

2. Glory Kills Can Teleport You Out Of Danger & Save Your Life

DOom eternal
iD Software

So you don't have a Blood Punch charged up and your Super Shotgun grapple just missed. Now what?

Well, providing you can do enough damage to a far-away enemy - I recommend the imps or weakest-looking ones - you can Glory Kill your way out of there, by way of warping.

Simply because these Glory Kill animations start and end with you up close to whoever's flashing, use them to get out of being mobbed, falling off a cliff, missing a jump or to get anywhere in general.

Say an enemy up-high is flashing and you can't quite reach them, they'll often still go orange based on general proximity anyway, allowing you to beam up there in an instant.

On top of this, equip the "Seek & Destroy" Rune so these animations trigger from even further away, and you'll be warping around the battlefield - being invulnerable while you do - in no time.

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