DOOM Eternal: 12 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You
3. Play DOOM 1 & 2 INSIDE Eternal, And Listen To Old DOOM Soundtracks
Okay, we've covered Deluxe Edition offerings, but what about everyone else?
Thankfully, iD have you covered, and if Eternal made you want to play the classic 90s originals, they're here in full.
To unlock DOOM 1, just finish the main campaign on any difficulty. For DOOM 2, you need to enter the name "FLYNNTAGGART" - DOOMguy's name in an offshoot series of novels. They're so OTT and bizarre by the way, they tend not to be thought of as canon.
Brilliantly, you can also use cheats that work in the main game, in these emulated titles. God Mode in DOOM Eternal and then DOOM 1 & 2? Hell yes.
As if that wasn't enough, every time you collect one of the many DOOM vinyls scattered across the game, just go up to the portrait it fills out in the Fortress HQ, and you can listen to the song.
Backing out of this view still leaves the track playing, so why not explore your flying home base with the original soundtrack?