DOOM Eternal: 12 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

12. Use The Rocket Launcher's Remote Detonation To Hit Marauders From Behind

Doom eternal
iD Software

On your first playthrough, the Marauders - called "Doom Hunters" - absolutely suck to fight.

Their weakspots are based out of proximity. Stand too close and it's a shotgun to the face - too far away and they'll fling energy beams through the sky while summoning a wolf to track you. Fire during any of this and they auto-block - sometimes deflecting right back at you.

The solution is to keep the perfect distance so they attempt an axe swing, then counter with two Super Shotgun blasts to the chest.

HOWEVER, grab the Rocket Launcher and equip both the Proximity Flare and Concussive Blast upgrades. Now fire rockets just over or "past" the Marauder's head, and detonate behind that all-blocking shield.

With the concussive wave also equipped, besides doing some damage, you can stagger the Marauder so he stumbles into additional grenades or explosive damage, softening up that health bar in between meatier attacks.

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Doom Eternal
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