DOOM Eternal: Ranking EVERY Weapon From Worst To Best
Rip and tear... but also shoot, stab and explode.

Across the ages, scholars have pondered the age old question:
Is it better to remotely detonate rockets behind the Marauder, or stun lock him with the shotgun ballista combo?
Luckily for scholars, and everyone else lucky enough to experience Doom Eternal's infernal majesty, both options are incredibly viable.
One of the Bethesda game's many, many strengths as a shooter is the sheer variety and ingenuity of the arsenal that it gives you.
From traditional series favourites like the Chaingun and Combat Shotgun, to newer, flashier murder toys, Doom has enough weapons of mass destruction to start its own private militia.
Yet, despite all these sadistically super options, not all weapons are created equal. Not every gadget and gizmo that Doom Guy gets his bloodstained mitts on is enough to fend off the hordes of clearly suicidal hellspawn.
But worry not, would-be Mars Marines, this list is here to give you the lowdown on what weapon to use in which situation, as well as which boomstick you should always be switching to, should the demonic presence loom large. Not that Doom Guy needs tips, mind. Doom Guy just needs more bullets.
12. DoomBlade

The DoomBlade- Doom Guy's answer to the question: "What if you could punch through someone's face, but cooler?"
While it may be a context specific weapon, (sadly only unsheathed during a glory kill) the DoomBlade takes the prize for most "oof" inducing weapon. With a quick mash of the right bumper, you, yes you, can squeal with sick, childish delight as a Pain Elemental's eyeball ends up like a cocktail accoutrement on a stick.
With an array of imaginative animations at its disposal, the DoomBlade ensures that glory kills are never boring or repetitive. In fact, with Doom Guy's perforating arm skewer, he'd make an excellent recruit for the Assassin's creed franchise. Imagine the Templars going up against a seven foot tall murderising machine in a space suit. Jaws would drop to the floor. Literally.
It's such a shame then that the default melee attack is a simple punch, and it feels like a definite missed opportunity to become Hell's version of Vlad the Impaler. Imagine, unlimited access to slice through demon necks like a Sweeney Todd musical with better backing tracks. Ah well, talons crossed for Doom 3. Not that one. God, no, not that one.
Ah well, talons crossed for Doom 3. Not that one. God, no, not that one.