DOOM Eternal: Ranking EVERY Weapon From Worst To Best

9. Combat Shotgun

DOOM eternal weapons

The Combat Shotgun, a bona fide classic of the genre, is with Doom Guy from the very introduction of the game. A constant and faithful companion, almost like a dog, really, except much louder and with the capacity to shoot explosive projectiles. Then again, if you've ever seen a dog two days after eating month old leftovers, you'd swear Fido could do that too.

Like most of its video game counterparts, the Combat Shotgun is characterised by big damage that decreases exponentially over large distances. Or, for those who've already begun their transformation into the possessed, bang stick shoot good when close.

However, even at close range, the Combat Shotgun pales in comparison to other weapons in terms of stopping power, and it can take two or three good rounds to take down even medium sized denizens of the damned.

The true beauty of this weapon lies in its modifications, one of which turns it into an automatic demon shredder. The other, which adds a grenade launcher, is a perfect tactical choice for destroying the Arachnotron's laser, or even for shoving down the throat of floating demons. Hey, it's better than doing it by hand. Bleurgh.

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English Student currently in the process of trying to turn the desire to play video games into the desire to study.