DOOM Eternal Review: 8 Ups & 1 Down

6. Genuine Progression As A Player From Start To Finish

DOOM Eternal

Every single part of DOOM Eternal’s design has been masterfully assembled to guarantee complete 100%, signature feel intensity. It doesn't mean you'll be able to pull off kill combos and claret ballets from moment one - the game even warns you of early deaths at the beginning - but every step of this is intentional.

Quickly you'll learn that DOOM wants you to come to it. There aren't any hand-holdy tutorials outside of testing a weapon, and if you keep getting put down, it's ALWAYS because you forgot about one key ability in your sizeable arsenal.

Where so many other titles batter you into a fine paste and leave you in the ground; you screaming "but I pushed the button and he still died", DOOM Eternal actually is "brutally hard, but fair".

You'll know what you did wrong; where you went wrong, and you'll course correct next time.

Even better, you'll start making these realisations in the moment, keeping the Slayer alive and never letting up on all the combo possibilities before you.

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Doom Eternal
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