DOOM Eternal Review: 8 Ups & 1 Down

5. "Combat Chess"

DOom eternal
iD Software

I mentioned that sensation of movement and weapon feel, but there's an intricate system of "rock, paper, scissors" that ebbs and flows underneath every encounter.

Many have come to coin the term "combat chess", and while it was prevalent in the 2016 reboot, here you really need to be thinking on your feet and reacting as fast as possible at all times.

Stay still and you’re dead. You NEED to cleave through enemies to get more ammo, NEED to weaken them for a glory kill to regain health. You’ll need to switch through EVERY weapon, the Super Shotgun’s new grapple hook being just as valuable as the Plasma Rifle’s shockwave.

Speaking of the latter, its energy rounds tear apart the electric shields some demons have, or break down larger barriers surrounding minibosses.

Once you figure out it's possible to unlock a health-boost that comes from frozen enemies, then douse them in fire for additional armour, get the boost from killing a staggered foe AND chainsaw them for more HP, it's a eureka moment like no other.

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Doom Eternal
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