DOOM Eternal Review: 8 Ups & 1 Down

4. Letting Your Brain Adjust Through Sheer Muscle Memory

doom eternal marauder
iD Software

Now, you are dropped into all this in a way that can feel pretty overwhelming. Thankfully, iD Software know EXACTLY what they’re doing, and even this initial “HOLY CRAP, this is a LOT of game coming at me” is intentional (the game’s difficulty screen tells you so).

One of the most subtle cards DOOM Eternal plays is subconsciously. You NEED time for all this game’s systems to embed into your brain. Your muscle memory needs to develop, and you need to invest hours in this to get the most in return.

What could once be a fight you scraped through then CLICKS on replay as you fly through the level in a blur of blades and blood. The game never stops introducing new enemies, new combinations of weapons or power-ups – new reasons to rip, tear, and feel absolutely phenomenal doing it.

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Doom Eternal
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