DOOM Eternal Review: 8 Ups & 1 Down

2. 60FPS, Even On Base Consoles

doom eternal
iD Software

This is a quicker point as no doubt there'll be so many in-depth platform comparisons to come, but DOOM Eternal - at least on Xbox One - runs like a dream.

Besides maintaining 60fps across the board, it actively invites you to try and overwhelm its intricate web of combat systems.

At any given time you're setting fire to things, cutting them in half, letting fly volleys of missiles, freezing things, exploding things and staying on the move. The only time I got the game to hitch was in one of the many "Slayer Challenges", where the game throws every enemy at you at once, and your task is just stay alive.

Across the board, you can tell iD Software are masters of their craft; some of the most talented coders in the business, and it shows.

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Doom Eternal
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